Meet Professor Chris and Nancy Winship
Graduate Commons Program Faculty Directors
Tuesday, April 4 at 7 PM | 29 Garden Common Room
Chris Winship is the Diker-Tishman Professor of Sociology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and a Harvard Kennedy School’s senior faculty member. His research spans a wide variety of fields from the development of statistical models for assessing causality, the application of the philosophical field of pragmatism to sociology, ethnographic work-study partnerships in Boston to deal with gang violence between the police and a group of black inner city ministers known as the Ten Point Coalition, to the study of effects of education on mental and test-taking ability. He is co-director of the Boston Area Research Initiative, an inter-university effort to provide high-quality research to inform local policy decision-making. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Harvard in 1977. Prior to coming back to Harvard in 1994, he was a professor of Sociology, Statistics, and Economics at Northwestern University. He is an avid tennis player.
Nancy K. Winship is newly retired from her role as senior vice president for Institutional Advancement at Brandeis University. During her tenure at Brandeis, Nancy quadrupled the University’s yearly fundraising total and planned and implemented the first comprehensive campaign in the University’s history. She received her B.A. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, summa cum laude, and pursued graduate work in Sociology (ABD) at Harvard University. Chris & Nancy support the Garden Area community and reside in beautiful 29 Garden Street.